
Saturday, January 17, 2009



睡前是指晚上临睡,睡醒是指早晨起床后。我所说的要祷告不是五分钟的祷告。简单草草了事的祷告。这一种祷告相信大家都会。我所说的祷告乃是分别一段时间给 主的祷告。这需要你立志的。少睡15分钟,把这15分钟给主。有时你不用说什么,只要心安静,听听他对你说话的声音,圣灵会在你心中感动;在祷告时一定要 求圣灵充满,当圣灵充满你,你就晓得如何按着神的心意来祷告了。罗马书8:28圣灵会用说不出来的叹息替我们祷告。我要告诉弟兄姐妹,每日灵修祷告是我们 生活得胜的根基,哪天不借祷告把这天交托主,分别为圣归主,撒旦就在这一天得胜,我们在这一天里就会充满许多脾气、许多老我,我们需要专心祈祷。华特费尔 德说:在几日几夜,甚至几星期中,我平卧地上专心祷告,有时出声,有时不出声。还有一位祷告有经验的信徒说:双膝跪下来,就在那里长进。我们究竟花多少时 间来祷告呢?我们若达不到这种境界,却可从小事做起,坚持灵修。你会发现,你每天所做的事顺利得多,心情平稳安祥得多,神的祝福多、喜乐多、感谢多。

在约书亚记9章记载一件事。约书亚领以色列人击杀迦南人时,神吩咐不留一个。原因是他们太坏,惹神发怒,另他们若留下来会引诱你们随从他们的神。迦南地有 一族叫基遍人。他们一见神帮助以色列人,就冒充成很遥远地方来的人,叫以色列人和他们立约,不要杀他们。事实上他们是当灭的迦南人,约书亚和以色列长老并 没有求问耶和华,就与他们立约,过了三天才知道他们是近邻,后悔不己,可是无济于事。在这个试探面前,约书亚错就错在没有求问耶和华。

亲爱的弟兄姐妹,不住祷告,凡事谢恩,这是神在基督耶 稣里向我们所定的旨意。启示录16:15“看哪,我来像贼一样。那警醒、看守衣服、免得赤身而行,叫人见他羞耻的有福了。”神的公义就是我们的盾牌,依靠 他行出善行就是不赤身、不羞耻。主来的日子近了,魔鬼更疯狂了,基督的精兵当兴起发光,为神努力,为神而战。上帝祝福你:警醒祷告,守侯不倦,灰心必不临 到你.

We are now on FaceBook

Friday, January 16, 2009

古晋教区青团 is now on Facebook. Everyone can join us and lets start our sharing and fun there!!


2009 青年主日

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

以下是刚出炉, 由年会青团所制定的2009年青年主日主题 .......



  • 罗12:2不要效法这个世界,只要心意更新而变化,叫你们察验何为神的善良、纯 全、可喜悦的旨意。
  • 林前10:23凡事都可行,但不都有益处。凡事都可行,但不都造就人。
  1. 配合总议会/年会的主题:宣扬圣经圣洁、更新转化国家
  2. 教导教会/青年人当遵守圣洁的生活,不要随波逐流,被社会各样的诱惑荼毒。反之当行上帝看为喜悦的事。青年人要常常警惕自己本身的见证(圣洁的身份)能带给社会与众不同的影响。
  1. 改变我,改变世界-赞美之泉《让爱走动》
  2. 每一天我渴慕你-有情天《严冬里也有春天》
  • 注:诗歌试听下载网页


A Different Kind of Christmas(20-26/12/2008)

Monday, January 12, 2009

At 5:30am on a Saturday morning, me and 30 other brothers and sisters from Samarahan Methodist Church (SMC) were waiting for the vans that would bring us to the Indonesia border. From there, we took another 10 hours of bus ride to Manggala, Indonesia. Because it has been raining, the road was muddy and we had a roller-coaster experience all the way to our destination.

The non-air-conditioned bus that we rode on to Indonesia

When we reached Living Water Village, we were amazed. God has really blessed that area. It is situated up on the mountains. God has blessed them with brick buildings, their own generators and more lands that are going to be used to build small airports, hospitals and schools. Pastor Ronny, an Australian missionary who founded the Living Water Village, told us that a lot of Indonesian children were thrown into the jungle because their families were too poor to take care of them or they were born out of wedlock. Pastor Ronny would go into the jungle to look for them and take them back to the Training Centre where he would have a set of rules for them to follow, to train them to be independent. Currently, there are over 500 children in Living Water Village.

On the mountains

The training centre

Every morning at 6am, all the children and adults will wake up for devotions and prayer session. I was amazed because during the prayer session, the children, especially those below 8 years old, will sit very quietly listening to the word of God. It was very difficult to keep the Sunday school children in Kuching quiet but these children in Living Water Village kept quiet and even prayed more earnestly than us. I was really amazed. From the picture below, you’ll see a lot of flags hanging. Those flags represent the countries that are supporting and helping them. The children in Living Water Village are also constantly praying for these countries. Besides that, their knowledge of the bible is even better than us! Every Tuesday and Thursday night, there would have a small service where there is praise and worship and also older children sharing of God’s word.

Inside the training centre

Outside the training centre

Besides the training centre, there’s also 2 'asramas'. When Pastor Ronny and a few elders think that some of children are mature enough both spiritually and mentally, these children will thus stay in one of the 'asramas'.

When we were there, we were divided into 3 teams. One team helped in kindergarten, my team visited Asrama 1 and the third team visited Asrama 2. In each 'asrama', there would be at least one Abang and one Kakak who will look after them. In Asrama 1, my team acted out the story of Jonah and taught them some simple mandarin, for example 早安,午安,晚安. They enjoyed the lessons and we also enjoyed their presence. I’m still missing them as I’m writing this sharing. They are really extraordinary children.

Asrama 1

On Christmas Eve, we and the children had roasted chicken. Because there are a lot of people in Living Water Village and food is expensive, they only ate pumpkins for every meal. For the first day, they cooked different food for us, we had vegetables and meat. But we felt bad and told Pastor Ronny that we would like to eat with the children and eat what they were eating as well. For some of us, it was not easy with only pumpkin, but we saw that these children all ate their food without any grumblings or complaints. That night, we also joined in their Christmas celebrations. Their praise and worship was powerful and joyous. They had a few dances, from kindergarten children to older children. We also presented our programs.

Beautiful dancers

SMC clowns

It was a night to remember as Pastor Ronny called the children one by one to go up to take their presents. These children might only have the luxury of having presents once a year. As I watched the children unwrapped their presents, their eyes glowed. Even when their presents are only pencils or new clothes or some hair accessories, you can really see the joy and how they really cherished their Christmas presents! It made me thought of how in all my years I had taken presents for granted. I was blessed to receive gifts in a lot of occasions but I never really appreciate the meaning and gestures.

Sparkle in their eyes

On the last day, Pastor Ronny took us sight-seeing. Living Water Village is really a very very huge place. God has blessed Pastor Ronny with about 200++ acres of land. This was the first time I traveled on top of a vehicle and it was fun! While taking us and showing us around, Pastor Ronny told us how God has brought him from Australia to Kuching and to Indonesia. He also told us how God has tested his faith in getting a land to do His will. It was not an easy task to get a land as big as what Living Water Village is now. Pastor Ronny is really a man of great faith. He said that when he came to Manggala, he was poor; Now as Living Water Village is slowing growing, he is still poor. All of what he has now is all from God!

This is how we travel

The famous crosses

Floating house

Primary school

I have really learnt a lot from Pastor Ronny and the children of Living Water Village, especially their faith. At first, we felt sorry for the children because some of them were orphans and some of them were abandoned by their families, but in the few days that I’m with them, I see the joy in them. Those older children also followed Pastor Ronny’s footsteps in taking care of the little ones. These children are all very gifted children. I would see small children, holding and playing the guitar like it was part of them.

They still need a lot of teachers, especially English and Music teachers but I’m sure God will answer their every need just like how He has answered their previous needs. Let us remember Pastor Ronny and his family and his children in Living Water Village in our prayers.

Fun! Fun! Fun!

Pastor Ronny

Before we depart Living Water Village

For those who's reading this and have never experienced short-term mission before, I encouraged you to step up and participate. I can guarantee that you'll be blessed more than you will be giving. It doesn't have to be to overseas. There's a lot of churches in Kuching that organize short-term mission trip locally, for example to Betong. Participate in one and you will be able to understand the joy and blessings that I have received every time I go for a mission trip.

For more information about Living Water Village, go to their website: (",)




Sunday, January 11, 2009

年会2009-2012总题: "建立圣经圣洁, 更新转化国家"

地点: 三一堂

日期: 17.01.2009(星期六)

时间: 7.30PM

主讲: 华勇会督